Bout of Books 32

Bout of Books is almost here! What is Bout of Books?

The Bout of Books readathon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It’s a weeklong readathon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 16th and runs through Sunday, August 22nd in YOUR time zone. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are reading sprints, Twitter chats, and exclusive Instagram challenges, but they’re all completely optional. For all Bout of Books 32 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team


I am in the middle of a bunch of books so I hope to get a lot of good reading time in. I need it after this truly difficult past week. I will check back in on Monday!


Good first day of reading! Mondays are usually depressing so it was nice to have something to be excited about. Of course I had to work but I read on my lunch break and when I got home.

I finished Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty. It was so good. It was probably my favorite of her books so far.. I stayed up too late to finish it but I could not put it down. A tropical storm is headed this way so it’s supposed to pour tomorrow so I will be at work sad that I am not at home reading ha ha.


Monday Numbers

Pages Read: 257

Audiobook Time: 3 hours 52 minutes

Books Finished: 1


What a day! I woke up at 3:30 to my phone saying there was a tornado watch and never went back to sleep. I drove to work in a monsoon tropical storm so it was quite an exhausting day.

I did get a little reading in even though I was pretty tired. I am listening to the an awesome podcast called Phoebe Reads a Mystery. She reads a chapter of a classic book per day. I am currently listening to The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. I haven’t read this one before and I am really enjoying the mystery. Phoebe Judge has the best voice!

I am also reading When Night Breaks by Janella Angeles This is the sequel to where Dreams Descend which I really loved last year. This one comes out in October. I am not really enjoying it as much as the first one as it’s a little confusing but I suppose by the end it will all come together.


Also, I just had to share a bookish purchase I received today. I am obsessed with tea of course and I get this monthly tea box called Communitea. You have one tea per day to open and enjoy. It’s a terrific way to try new teas but there is also a fun community aspect where you talk about tea and post photos of tea. So they had a pride and prejudice tea the other day that I enjoyed and I had to order a tin of it and look how gorgeous it is!!


So altogether not a great reading day but hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday Numbers

Pages Read: 47

Audiobook Time: 1 hour 21 minutes

Books Finished: 0


Wow this has been quite a week. There is SO much going on and I feel so helpless to control any of it. I just can’t believe we are back in this mess. It feels like it is March 2020 all over again. Will it ever end? At least I have books to escape in. The only thing keeping me sane.

I am reading too many depressing books so I put them aside when I got home from work and started and finished Out of Left Field. It was a fun, light read.


I just feel super discouraged and feel like life will never be the same again. My parents refuse to get vaccinated and I wonder what the future holds. My sweet dog snuggled with me tonight and I don't know how people who don’t have pets are functioning right now.

Wednesday Numbers

Pages Read: 412

Audiobook Time: 1 hour 33 minutes

Books Finished: 1


Again I put all my other books aside and started reading what I thought would be a romance book. It Only Happens in the Movies was not a romance and it was sad in parts but I really enjoyed it.


Thursday Numbers

Pages Read: 420

Audiobook Time: 2 hours 50 minutes

Books Finished: 1


Today was a tiring day. It was busy at work and I had to go out and get lunch so I didn’t have as much time to read. And when I got home I had to get ready for the wedding that I am photographing tomorrow so I mostly was able to get audiobook time in. I started a new book The Meet-Cute Project which I have been excited about reading. I also finally finished The Woman in White audiobook. Which I really enjoyed! I didn’t take any book photos today but here is a cute photo of my kitty. I probably won’t get very much reading done tomorrow because of the wedding but hopefully Sunday I will have more time.

Friday Numbers

Pages Read: 137

Audiobook Time: 3 hours 38 minutes

Books Finished: 1


Just checking in really quick because it’s 11 pm and I am trying to recover from the wedding today. It was absolutely fabulous and I enjoyed it so much but I am exhausted! I didn’t have much of a chance to read since I was at the wedding most of the day but it was such spectacular day.


Saturday Numbers

Pages Read: 85

Audiobook Time: 46 minutes

Books Finished: 0

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon October 2019

Yay it is time for Dewey’s Readathon again! I am excited to read, eat and have an enjoyable Saturday/Sunday. It’s supposed to rain all day Saturday which could be good or bad! We will see. I might be sleepy.

What exactly is a 24 hour readathon you ask? Well basically I (because I am in the Eastern time zone) start reading at 8 am Saturday morning and finish at 8 am Sunday morning. You don’t actually have to read all 24 hours. You just read as much as you can. I don’t think I have ever hit the 24 hours but one day I will take the Monday off and try to do it. This is my seventh time participating in Dewey’s Readathon. To view all my other posts just click on the Dewey’s tag at the bottom of my post. This year I was determined not to schedule a photo session. But Sunday afternoon I am taking my cousins to the pumpkin patch for you guessed it a photo session. I just can’t help it in the fall! I put this in my calendar in April after the last Readathon.


So this time I have a delightful stack of YA books that I have been meaning to read. I am most excited about Wicked Saints. I have heard so many things about this book that I have it really built up in my head. I am also listening to the audiobook of She Said by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey. I also am trying to finish up a couple of ARCs so if I don’t finish them in the next couple of days I will dip into them.


I also really, really stocked up on snacks. Like an embarrassing amount. I have my annual bloodwork tomorrow and it’s good thing I won’t get my results back before I eat all this food ha ha.


What are you most excited to read for Readathon? I will be posting on this post, Twitter, Instagram and Litsy. I am @ReadingSusan on all platforms.

7:59 am

It’s almost time!

Opening Survey!

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? The US South

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Wicked Saints! I have been saving it.

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? Olives 😃 I have three kinds.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself! I can’t stick to a book buying ban.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? This is my 7th readathon and I think this time I will participate more on social media. #deweyoct

2:15 p.m.

Well I finally just finished my first book. It took me awhile. Sisters of Shadow and Light was excellent. I loved the world building and the alternate points of view. The main characters are really well done and distinctive and I really enjoy that. And I adore Raidyn and Naomi. This book comes out on November 5th and I am already ready to read the next book.


I am also listening to the audiobook of She Said by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey. I finished Ronan Farrow’s book, Catch and Kill last week and it was so shocking that I knew I had to check out this book as well. I am so glad the three of them exposed that horrible man getting away with wielding his power.

I had delicious cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then a perfect grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. Yum yum!


My cat has finally hopped up on the bed to snuggle with me so I am off to start my next book.


Total reading time: 6 hours 23 minutes

Pages read: 284

Audiobook Time: 2 hours 28 minutes 

Books finished: 1

6:00 p.m.

I just finished my second book. I am reading a little slower than usual today but that’s fine. Just trying to enjoy a relaxing readathon. I also haven’t been eating that many snacks because I am not hungry. It has been raining all day which has been really nice. I will check back in later!

Total reading time: 10 hours 0 minutes

Total pages read: 610

Total audiobook Time: 3 hours 9 minutes 

Books finished: 2

10:45 p.m.

Well it has been a lovely evening of reading and eating. I am currently reading Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan. I have been saving this book to read for a special occasion. It is really good so far but I forgot when I picked it what a long book it is so I probably won’t finish it by the end of Readathon.


She Said is getting pretty depressing so I have switched to the Anne of Green Gables Collection audiobook. I am currently listening to the second book, Anne of Avonlea. I love listening to old and familar books that I have read in print so many times.


I have been at this for 14 hours so I think I need to take a nap. I accidentally made multiple plans tomorrow afternoon so no way I can stay up all night and still function on Monday.

Total reading time: 14 hours 45 minutes

Total pages read: 758

Total audiobook Time: 5 hours 9 minutes 

Books finished: 2

5:30 a.m.

I took a 3/12 hour nap before getting back to reading. I am up to 17 hours 40 minutes of reading. I was hoping to get to at least 20 hours and I am on track with that. I am really loving Wicked Saints. I can’t wait to see what will happen with this book. I have the ARC of the second book so if there is a cliff hanger it won’t be so tragic.

Around 4 I was wanting to go back to sleep so I switched books and went off my Readathon stack to read a Kasie West book. It’s about a girl who is trapped in a library. And I have major issues with the fact that she HAS NOT READ ONE BOOK. Who gets trapped in a library and doesn’t read books?


I will probably not check in again before the end since I won’t be starting any new books.

Total reading time: 17 hours 40 minutes

Total pages read: 927

Total audiobook time: 7 hours 15 minutes 

Books finished: 2

Dewey’s Wrap Up

This was a great Readathon! I really enjoyed it. I think the nap was key and at the correct time. I finished reading By Your Side about 20 minutes before 8. I took an enjoyable bath for the last hour. I am happy with how my reading went and I enjoyed spending a little more time on social media this time around.


Total reading time: 20 hours 10 minutes

Total pages read: 1,163

Total audiobook time: 8 hours 7 minutes 

Books finished: 3